Hike Shannon trail to Smoketree Pt taking 1 hour 15 minutes. 7300 steps and 3 miles per Wen's Fitbit. Total of 114 hikes for 2021. Nice way to end the year.
Canyon Corridor loop taking 33 minutes. Total of 109 rides covering 1173 miles for 2021.
Hike South Lykken. Beautiful bright, crisp, clear morning.
Hike North Lykken with Kai.
Downtown loop taking 40 minutes.
Andreas Hills Christmas Day loop taking 50 minutes.
City loop taking 54 minutes.
Short Middle Lykken hike taking 50 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 39 minutes.
Downtown loop taking 35 minutes. Really cold!
Andreas Hills loop taking 45 minutes.
Hike to my Cahuilla (GC3D4) geocache in Oswit Canyon. No visitors since i was last here one year ago.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 39 minutes.
City loop taking 40 minutes.
Hike Oswit Canyon to second stream crossing.
Downtown loop taking 43 minutes.
Hike Garstin lollipop taking 1 hour 20 minutes. Beautiful bright clear day. Chat with Elaine, and Joan and Rob Taylor.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 37 minutes.
Little Tuscany loop taking 55 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Middle Lykken to Tahquitz viewpoint taking 1 hour 10 minutes.
Hike North Lykken taking 1 hour 15 minutes. Pretty day.
Downtown loop taking 42 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 40 minutes.
Thanksgiving Day downtown loop taking 39 minutes. Turkey Trot 5k race in progress downtown. Lots of people running.
Andreas Hills loop taking 50 minutes.
Hike Shannon trail to Smoketree Mtn taking 1 hour 35 minutes.
City loop taking 41 minutes.
City loop taking 45 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 44 minutes.
Hike Garstin/Thielemann loop taking 1 hour 30 minutes.
Hike Rimrocks to Araby. Start with Wen, Pam, Katya. 3.9 miles taking 1 hour 30 minutes.
City loop loop taking 41 minutes.
Canyon Corridor loop taking 32 minutes.
Hike South Lykken. Lots of hikers today.
Hike Middle Lykken to Tahquitz viewpoint taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Hike Rimrocks loop taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 41 minutes.
City loop taking 42 minutes.
Depart house 7:25a, 3706 odo. 29 Palms at 8:35a. Amboy at 9:40a. Watch a very fast eastbound stack train. Buy a $3 soda at Roy's. Racing to beat an eastbound into Kelso but the train won. Kelso at 10:50a. Visitor Center is not open but the station is still a very nice place and the weather is perfect. Depart Kelso southbound at 11:10a. Stop by that gas pump/generator south of I40. It's still running but is different/newer unit from last time i was here in 2013. Amboy at 12p with a west and eastbound at the crossing at same time. Lunch (TJ salad) at Sheephole Pass microwave towers at 12:25p. Depart lunch stop at 1p. Ironage Road to hwy 62, to hwy 177, to I10. Desert Center at 2:20p. Cottonwood exit at 2:45p. Home at 3:40p, 335 miles.
Hike North Lykken taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Borrego Springs loop with Janice taking 1 hour 7 minutes.
City loop taking 40 minutes.
Depart house 12:10p headed east for short camping trip. Arrive JT aqueduct site a bit after 1p. 84°. Site i wanted was taken but found a nice one nearby. 45 miles today. A bit windy. Nice phone call from Kai just as i was arriving. A little tarantula visitor in late afternoon. Sunset 5:45p over Toro Pk. 78°. Can chicken for dinner. Dropped my glasses and then stepped on them. Argh. But was able to pretty much bend frames back into shape. Camping is stupid. Why am i sitting out here alone in the dark? In bed 8p. Sleeping in tent this time. Much nicer than trying to sleep in the Subaru. Evening a bit breezy but then calm most of night. Canopus visible before dawn. Slept pretty well but got up at 5a. Nice view of Mercury rising. Sunrise 7:05a, 57°. Depart camp 7:50a and drive east on aqueduct road to Kai's site. Drive out via Hayfield road. Home at 9:45a. 65 miles today, 110 trip total.
Hike Shannon to plaque. Chat with Andy.
Hike Oswit Canyon to second boulder. Pretty morning.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 43 minutes.
City loop taking 46 minutes.
Hike Garstin lollipop taking 1 hour 25 minutes. Chat with Joan Taylor, Andy et al.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Middle Lykken to Tahquitz viewpoint taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Downtown/city loop taking 43 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 41 minutes.
Hike Shannon to Smoketree Pt with Kai taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Hike Araby trail taking 1 hour 25 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Downtown loop taking 40 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 44 minutes. Beautiful cool morning 65° temps.
Hike South Lykken.
Borrego Springs loop with Janice taking 1 hour 5 minutes.
Pick up my Alaskan friend Janice at PSP and driver her and her bike and a ton of groceries to her rental house in Borrego Springs. After dropping her off and unloading everything i go camping for the night. Consider Arroyo Salado but decide to move to Ella Wash site. Drive 110 miles today. Warm sunny afternoon but okay in shade of vehicle. 96° at 3p. Sunset 6:12p, 88°. Can of Beanee Weenees for dinner. Calm night with some high clouds. Try sleeping inside Subaru without tent. Get up at 5a Monday and sit in dark waiting for sunrise. Did not sleep well in Subaru at all. Won't do that again. Sunrise 6:48a, 72°. Ride 17.5 mile Borrego Springs loop with Janice. (See above.) Really nice ride taking 1 hour 5 minutes. Drive up to Coyote Canyon site before driving home. 112 miles today, 222 miles trip total.
Downtown/city loop taking 42 minutes.
Andreas Hills out-and-back taking 45 minutes.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 5 minutes.
Hike South Lykken. Nice temps mid 70°.
Short walk around Cottonwood Spring area. The cottonwoods and palms are beautiful. Both Cottonwood campground loops open with only a few sites occupied. Drive out Black Eagle road to stargazing spot. Much soft sand on road. Was a bit worried but i kept speed up and didn't get stuck. Turn around at Porcupine Wash trailhead. Nice break along aqueduct road before driving home via Dillon and 1000 Palms Canyon roads. 131 miles.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 42 minutes.
Little Tuscany loop taking 52 minutes.
Hike North Lykken taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn taking 1 hour 15 minutes. Chat with Chenwen, Joan and Rob Taylor.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 45 minutes.
Downtown loop taking 40 minutes.
Hike Henderson loop returning via the wash.
Hike Oswit Canyon to second stream crossing taking 65 minutes. Nice day and no fresh foot prints above first crossing.
Hike South Lykken. More people on trail today than past few months.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 39 minutes.
Downtown loop taking 35 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 42 minutes.
Hike Shannon taking 1 hour.
Andreas Hills out-and-back taking 47 minutes.
City loop taking 42 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 38 minutes.
Idyllwild loop taking 33 minutes.
Hike South Lykken. Clean up huge pile of trash at trailhead.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 40 minutes.
City/airport loop taking 40 minutes.
San Clemente to Dana Point and back taking 58 minutes.
Hike South Lykken. Chat with ChenWen and Scott.
Andreas Hills out-and-back taking 48 minutes.
Downtown loop taking 41 minutes.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 10 minutes.
Hike North Lykken lollipop taking 1 hour 20 minutes. Cooler temps in mid-70s.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 42 minutes.
Hike Garstin taking 1 hour. Chat with Kathy. Muggy.
City loop taking 40 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 43 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Shannon taking 1 hour.
Monrovia. Mountain, Huntington, Colorado, Baldwin, Foothill loop taking 43 minutes.
Monrovia. Foothill, Rosemead, Sierra Madre, Santa Anita, Colorado, Myrtle loop taking 50 minutes.
Borrow Jon's bike and ride to Humber Park taking 33 minutes. That's a steep road for this flatlander.
Hike South Lykken.
Tollgate and Andreas Hills 54 minutes.
City loop taking 45 minutes.
Hike Araby trail taking 1 hour 25 minutes.
Andreas Hills and tollgate taking 1 hour.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn taking 1 hour 15 minutes. Less humid with a light breeze. Quite pleasant.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 15 minutes. Low clouds with very light sprinkles. Also very humid.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 41 minutes.
Las Palmas loop taking 45 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Devil's Slide meadow loop taking about 3 hours. Slow easy pace. Nice day with pretty fair weather cumulus clouds.
Hike Shannon taking 1 hour.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 40 minutes.
Little Tuscany loop taking 54 minutes.
Short Oswit Canyon hike.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 10 minutes. Chat with Amy of Bighorn Institute at start of hike.
Hike North Lykken taking 1 hour 5 minutes. Hot and humid.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 42 minutes.
Downtown loop taking 36 minutes.
Canyon Corridor loop taking 40 minutes.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn taking 1 hour 15 minutes. Warm and humid.
Hike South Lykken.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 40 minutes.
Tollgate/city loop taking 62 minutes.
Hike Shannon taking 1 hour.
Hike South Lykken.
City loop taking 42 minutes.
City loop taking 46 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 40 minutes.
Hike Araby trail taking 1 hour 22 minutes. Overcast with some very light sprinkles.
Hike Devil's Slide to Saddle Junction taking 62 minutes up and 50 minutes down. Hike down with Jon.
City loop taking 50 minutes.
Hike early morning Garstin lollipop taking 1 hour 20 minutes.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 10 minutes. Pretty warm.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 43 minutes.
City loop taking 40 minutes.
Hike Shannon to plaque taking 1 hour.
Quick Anza-Borrego overnight trip. Depart house a bit after 4p. Gas $4.15 at Mecca AM/PM. Arrive Truckhaven site 5:15p, 93°. Some high clouds, light breeze, little hazy. Signal Mtn just barely visible. Drive 65 miles today. Nice quiet afternoon. Cup noodles for dinner. Sunset around 7:40p, 86°. Evening windy with some high clouds so no stargazing. Decided to sleep inside the Crosstrek. Worked out pretty well and no tent to mess with. Sunrise Wednesday 5:38a, 74°. Depart camp 6:50a. Drive through Ella Wash and Arroyo Salado. Home before 9a. 75 miles today.
Hike South Lykken. Paramedics on-scene to help an older hiker down the trail.
Ventura Beach ride taking 1 hour 38 minutes.
Hike Fuller Ridge to Castle Rocks taking 1 hour 34 minutes. Visit with Jon at tower after.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
City loop taking 51 minutes.
City loop taking 35 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 37 minutes.
Hike North Lykken. Bit warm.
Hike South Lykken. First time i've seen no other cars parked at trailhead. There were a few after hike.
City loop taking 50 minutes.
Hike Shannon to Araby Pt taking 55 minutes. Cool and breezy.
Sunrise 6a, 52°. Ride park road north out-and-back. 18.12 miles taking 1 hour 25 minutes. (Track) Neighbors are packing up and arguing about everything. Sit around for a while enjoying the quiet. Depart at 10:40p. Nice trip.
Joshua Tree overnight trip. Depart house 12:20p, 614 odo. Arrive Cottonwood campground 1:45p, 54 miles. Site B29 in upper loop. 92° at 2p with light breeze. Nice in the shade. Good to be back at Cottonwood. Last time camping here was 2013! Someone left their $25 camping fee envelope in the pamphlet box next to the toilet building. I put it in the collection box. Had a pot edible. Feel nothing. Short 3.5 mile ride. Took some firewood from a vacant campsite but didn't have a fire after all. Crosstrek works well for camping. Interesting young couple in site next to me. They talk loudly, don't seem to get along, and drive a Camaro. Unusual for campers. Sunset 7:25p, 79°. Mac and cheese for dinner. Only 8 sites occupied on upper loop. Somewhat noisy group in lower loop but at least no music. Drank a lot of beer and ate a psilocybin chocolate. Went to sleep early and slept very well.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 5 minutes.
Las Palmas loop taking 50 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 39 minutes.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn taking 1 hour 10 minutes.
Hike Araby trail taking 1 hour 25 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Downtown loop taking 40 minutes.
Hike Shannon to Smoketree Pt taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Day trip driving through JT in new Crosstrek. Nice day and i like the Subaru very much.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 42 minutes.
Little Tuscany loop taking 57 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn taking 1 hour 10 minutes.
Hike Shannon to plaque.
Hike Oswit Canyon.
City loop taking 45 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 45 minutes.
Hike Araby trail taking 1 hour 20 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 5 minutes.
Hike Shannon to plaque.
City loop taking 38 minutes.
Hike Garstin lollipop with Kai.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Rimrocks to Araby with David Lahti taking 1 hour 50 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 40 minutes.
City loop taking 46 minutes.
Hike North Lykken and a bit up Skyline taking 1 hour 20 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Short Shannon hike then back via wash taking 1 hour.
Andreas Hills out-and-back taking 48 minutes.
Hike Garstin lollipop.
Some nice clouds this afternoon. Check out this time-lapse i shot.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 20 minutes. Lots of spring-breakers. Cleaned up a VERY fresh toilet paper mess coming down Lykken that was NOT there on my way up so i must have passed by the perpetrator on trail. Made me gag a little. Sorry, no photo.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 42 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Shannon to Smoketree Pt taking 1 hour 15 minutes.
Hike Oswit Canyon to second crossing taking 1 hour 8 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 41 minutes.
City loop taking 41 minutes.
Hike Middle Lykken. Chat with Scott.
Hike South Lykken. Flood control survey party working along the dike.
Canyon Corridor loop taking 32 minutes.
Little Tuscany loop taking 57 minutes.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn. Nice day but lots of people on trail. Plus two women with three dogs between them off-leash. They walked by, and ignored, at least three dog closure signs. What's wrong with people?
Hike South Lykken.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 40 minutes.
Short loop taking 24 minutes.
Hike Shannon to plaque taking 1 hour.
Hike North Lykken lollipop taking 1 hour 18 minutes. Beautiful bright clear morning.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 38 minutes.
City loop taking 45 minutes.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 5 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Andreas Hills loop taking 46 minutes.
Downtown/airport loop taking 40 minutes.
Hike Araby trail taking 1 hour 20 minutes.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn then down via Shannon taking 1 hour 25 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 44 minutes.
Hike Garstin to Smoketree Mtn. Breezy.
Hike South Lykken.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 38 minutes.
City loop taking 49 minutes.
Hike Shannon to plaque.
Hike short Rimrocks loop.
Little Tuscany loop taking 55 minutes. Chilly 45°.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 5 minutes.
Hike South Lykken. Cool and breezy.
City loop taking 49 minutes.
Tollgate out-and-back taking 41 minutes.
I10 to Red Cloud Mine exit. Visit Hayfield petroglyph site. My first time here. Continue east to Eagle Mtn road and back to I10. Drive back on I10 to Cottonwood Canyon exit. Cottonwood campground closed. (Sign says it's reservation only now.) Stop along aqueduct road just outside of park for sardine lunch and to enjoy the view. Nice bright warm sunny day but a bit breezy. Lots of campers around on BLM land as is upcoming MLK holiday weekend. Back home by 2p. 160 miles for the day.
Hike Rimrocks to Araby taking 1 hour 40 minutes then walk home from TH for a total time of 2 hours.
Hike North Lykken taking 1 hour 10 minutes.
South Lykken northbound through hike with Kai taking 1 hour 55 minutes. Chat with Ellen. Perfect day.
City loop taking 43 minutes.
Hike Middle Lykken taking 1 hour 20 minutes.
Hike South Lykken.
Hike Shannon with Kai.
New Year's Day city loop taking 47 minutes. Breezy.